Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Our First Garden

My darling husband and I planted our first gardens together this year.  DH has gardened more than I have in the past.  My experience consists of putting out 1,000 tomato plants one summer with my parents when I was a teenager and doing a minimal amount of hoeing and weeding in my mom's gardens.  By the time my parents moved to the country I was almost out of the house and did not learn all my mother's garden tips.

But, we are so blessed now to be living in the country on my parents homestead place, next door to my parents. So, when I'm not too stubborn to listen to my wise ole mom I can get gardening advice whenever I want.

We started out with several square foot gardens this year.  My lettuce did wonderfully.  We have peppers, cauliflower, broccoli, tomatoes, carrots and squash coming on now.  We have a traditional garden spot as well with vine crops, corn, sunflowers, and more tomatoes.

Our square foot gardens at start:

Our square foot gardens in June:

We love walking out to the garden each evening to see what is new.  I never thought I would enjoying gardening as much as I am now.

The dogs like to go along with us too!
The squash in the big garden:

The sunflowers in the big garden:


Sue said...

I wonder how many of us learned our love of gardening from our parents/grandparents but didn't KNOW they loved gardening until much later. I recall my dad always having a big garden, but at the time, couldn't have cared less!
Your garden looks wonderfully neat. I LOVE that. Seems everyones blog I follow is almost OC about it---it's wonderful!
Looking forward to watching your garden grow! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and the kind comment. I appreciate that!

M said...

Thanks Sue! Reading all these posts on gardening is so inspiring too. It helps to see what works for others and inspires me to try different things.