Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Bear - the newest addition to the farm

This is Bear, Ethan and Teddy.  

We got Bear in March.  He is a lot bigger now.  

He is learning to help put the chicks up at night :)  

Chick Update June 2012

Our home made chicken house.  We love it.  It is portable on four jack wheels that raise and lower. 

This is Ethan with Bartrum in March.  

And Bartrum now ..................................

They are they are 3 1/2 months old.  Can't wait for them to start laying eggs!!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Chicks arrive at the Bohannan Farm

Chicks arrive at the Bohannan Farm: March 7 - Randy bought a dozen chicks for his birthday. They are about one week old. He built them a nice little brooder box. We think we have
8 - Barred Plymouth Rock chicks - the black ones, which should turn a white and black, they are a straight run, so hopefully we only got one rooster.
2 - Road Island Reds
2 - other red pullets, not sure what breed.