Saturday, July 30, 2011

Yummy garden goodies

Made this fabulous Zuccinni Pie.  The family loves it.  Got the recipie from:  it is very, very good!
Ready to bake - comes out like quiche

Also made a batch of freezer pickles:
Filled up 10 pints. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Kitchen changes

We have been remodeling our house.  The main project is to turn two bedrooms into one master suite.  However, to do that we had to take out some closets which were adjacent to the kitchen.  So we removed the bi-fold doors and walls and had a cabinet maker build two custom units.  The one on the right is an entertainment center so that I can watch TV while I cook.  I am in the kitchen most of the evening each night and now DH can hang out with me too (and help some).  The unit on the left is a pantry.  It in not real deep, so items do not get buried.  I just love the result.  The cabinet maker did a wonderful job.  We are enjoying our new space very much.

Kitchen before - after wall removal
Kitchen after!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I don't know which grows faster . . .

teenage boys or sunflowers ;)

My son, Ethan, on the left, his cousin Daniel on the right. 

This is just such fun!

I have not posted in a while, as my computer was hit by a storm and is still in the repair shop.  I brought a few pictures to work to post.  This gardening thing is just a blast!  I just love discovering what has grown overnight.  Last night we went to the garden and I did not see a single cucumber.  My mom, then came down to the garden, "Oh Marilyn, here are some cucumber".  We then found 8 nice size ones. Here is what we have grown over the last few days.

July 6, 2011 - first broccoli picking - head on the right from
night before.

July 6, 2011

July 11, 2011

July 11, 2011

July 13, 2011

July 13, 2011

Gotta relax after all that pickin' !!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Bring on the squash!

My brother-in-law told me that I was going to have plenty . . .  and so I do.  Wow, I'm impressed with how quickly the squash come on and get ready to pick.  Time for some zucchini bread!

July 1

July 2
July 3 - Not sure why the orange colored ones, maybe they will not be any good ?

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The first "fruits" of our labor . . . from the gardens

 If we had known how easy the snow peas would be we would have planted more than two plants, and in the square foot garden instead of the big garden.
This night we had squash, green pepper and onion stir-fry!  Yummy!

Wabi-Sabi Eating

Now maybe the term wabi-sabi, in a traditional sense, can not be applied to diet, but I am trying to apply it to all areas of my life and believe me eating is a big area.  Let’s face it – I love to eat.  I think I am basically a Carbatarian.  I do love my daily bread! 

Last fall my family began to simplify our diets.  I read through “The Raw Food Detox Diet” by Natalia Rose.   I also re-read a book which I had studied and followed in the past, The Hallelujah Diet” by George Malkmus

We began by cutting out all meat.  We focus on foods that are easily digested and as close to their natural state as possible.  Our goal was to eliminate processed foods and eat more fruits and vegetables.  We try to follow the food combination table but we are still working with that.  Here I have summarized what I got from the Raw Food Detox diet information.

A fun, fresh and delicious way to eat and live!

*  To restore our diet to foods that are absorbed more efficiently by our digestive system.
*  Eliminate processed foods
Raw fruits and vegetables
*  Promote the intake of more fruits and vegetables

Raw honey

Step 1
Stop poisoning your cells
Lightly steamed, low-starch vegetables

Step 2
Eat quick exit foods in quick exit combinations

Pure maple syrup

Step 3
Infuse your body with live enzymes

Agave nectar

Step 4
Take the garbage out - cleanse
Raw nuts and seeds

Step 5
Determine your raw food transition number
Cold pressed plant oils

Cooked starchy vegetables

Raw unpasteurized dairy
Rule 1
Eat foods that are the easiest to digest
Whole grains
Rule 2
Eat in quick exit combinations

Rule 3
Eat light to heavy throughout the day

Never mix these 4 categories with one another with a few exceptions



all raw vegetables

brown rice

70% chocolate

cooked corn



almond milk


raw honey

sweet potatoes

pure maple syrup

whole grain breads

young coconut

Foods in different categories should never be mixed in the same meal, but foods in the same category may be enjoyed a the same meal.
Fruit should only be consumed on an empty stomach

Raw cheese
Fruit can be eaten 3 hours after food

You can eat other food about 30 minutes after eating fruit
Ideally eat fruit for your morning meal

Raw nuts
Wait 3-4 hours after eating before switching food groups

Raw seeds
Nuts, seeds and dried fruits go better with raw vegetables than cooked vegetables

Raw, unsulfured fruit
Beginners can get away with mixing starches because there are plenty of enzymes to help digestion


1 - 2 - 3 may be mixed with unlimited amounts of RAW vegetables

1 - 2 may be mixed with raw or cooked vegetables



Here is what we eat now on an average day.

Breakfast – smoothie made with frozen fruit or fresh in season fruit.  Toast with almond butter.

Lunch – veggie salad

Snack – almond nut bar and fruit

Dinner – More salad, a variety of cooked foods usually using: lentils, beans, rice, pasta, fresh veggies on pizza dough, home made vegetarian soups.

We have not completely given up eggs or cheese.  I buy only organic eggs and we stick with the less fat harder cheeses like parmesan.  We also have not kicked the white sugar habit yet, but that is a goal!

Both my DH and I have felt so much better.  My twelve year old son loves it too!  Most people automatically think that eating more fresh fruits and vegetable is expensive, but leaving off the meat makes a huge difference on your grocery bill!  Twice a week, my DH and I spend about 45 minutes chopping up all sorts of fresh veggies for a huge salad.  We then pack our lunches and fix are dinner salads from this.  We like to add sunflower seed and craisins as toppings!

It really has simplified our life.  I am in the kitchen less and outside tending the gardens more!  We are more satisfied after a simple, nutritious meal and have more energy then ever to enjoy life!  That to me is Wabi-Sabi!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wabi-Sabi Decorating

In a given room or setting (could be indoors or outdoors) allow and encourage your guests to visit better with one another by moving or rearranging the seats in a comfortable, conversational way -at some get togethers this may happen on its own J

After the party, before you begin to straighten up, notice how the chairs have been arranged.  They are probably placed in a way that is great for conversation.  Use this as the basis for redesigning your room in wabi-sabi style.  The arrangement could possibly be the spark of idea you need to create a cozy, comfortable living area. 

I noticed this happened on my deck last night.  Now, I am coming up with more ways to make that area more comfortable hang out space. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Our First Garden

My darling husband and I planted our first gardens together this year.  DH has gardened more than I have in the past.  My experience consists of putting out 1,000 tomato plants one summer with my parents when I was a teenager and doing a minimal amount of hoeing and weeding in my mom's gardens.  By the time my parents moved to the country I was almost out of the house and did not learn all my mother's garden tips.

But, we are so blessed now to be living in the country on my parents homestead place, next door to my parents. So, when I'm not too stubborn to listen to my wise ole mom I can get gardening advice whenever I want.

We started out with several square foot gardens this year.  My lettuce did wonderfully.  We have peppers, cauliflower, broccoli, tomatoes, carrots and squash coming on now.  We have a traditional garden spot as well with vine crops, corn, sunflowers, and more tomatoes.

Our square foot gardens at start:

Our square foot gardens in June:

We love walking out to the garden each evening to see what is new.  I never thought I would enjoying gardening as much as I am now.

The dogs like to go along with us too!
The squash in the big garden:

The sunflowers in the big garden: